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Every child every teenager once ask themselves that where the sky ends? Today I will put light on the facts of sky’s ending and I will also share my thoughts and imagination about the sky.

Where the sky ends facts and imagination

where the sky is ending is an imaginary, technical and important question. I have given the answer in two ways first my imagination about sky end and second the fact where sky ends. Enjoy reading.

Where the sky ends my imagination

When I was a kid I often thinks the sky is ending at that corner behind the farest tree. I am a scientific as well as imaginary person who always thinks scientifically and search about the facts at the same time my one side is imaginary.

More than couple of times I have tried to reach the place where the sky ends dance! However not able to reach the the corner where the sky ends. I used to start walking and following the lower end of the sky and often thinks this sky is going to end behind that eucalyptus tree. 

I was in 4th standard when I saw the sky for the first time deeply. It looks broader and taller from inside and narrowing down at the corners; perhaps it was the imagination of an 8 year old kid. Now I am grown up and think scientifically. I have shared this because it might connect you guys to your childhood days.

It might sound funny but couple of times or more I have run towards the sky to catch the corner of the sky quickly and when I get tired come back to my home. Anyways let’s get back to the facts and understand why the sky ends or where sky ends.

Where the sky ends facts

While talking about sky we are thinking about the atmosphere of the earth: Gas layers that surrounded the planet. It might look bizarre but the atmosphere or sky doesn’t end anywhere. The higher up a human being or living things goes the thinner or lesser oxygen they gets. People travelling to the higher mountains might get breathing problem because at higher altitude the thin air flows that does not carry sufficient amounts of oxygen. 

The atmosphere becomes at some height  and keeps becoming thinner while travelling upwards to the sky. You travel hire atmosphere becomes thinner and sometime while reaching more higher you might feel that you are travelling in the space at that time you need spaceship rather than aeroplane. People often argue about where the space begins Some people says the space is above 10,000 km from the sea level and 100 times from the ground. 

Light is being scattered by the atmosphere that we see as a sky. In reality it’s an optical illusion. Definition of sky is everything that lies above the surface of the earth including the atmosphere and outer space. According to astronomers it’s a celestial sphere. While looking up to the sky during night you can see thousands of stars but that’s just a small area of Milky Way Galaxy.

It is believed that Galaxy is 120,000 light years across containing more than 200 billion stars. There are more than hundred billion galaxies in the universe and universe is believed to be expanding sinc its formation 14 billion years ago. The size of the Universe is infinity or limitless. It is the edge of the space.

In simple words sky begins at your feet and ends where it becomes space.  


Does the sky has the limit?

This sky vast and boundaries of the sky expanses that never ends. Technically sky ends where it becomes space.

What is the sky?

The sky is an unobstructed view upward from earth surface. It is a place between a ground and outer space. In simple words the sky is everything including the atmosphere, outer space etc that lies above the earth surface.

Is the sky made of water?

Yes the sky can be full of water but mostly we cant see the water because the drops of water turned into vapor.

What is the sky made up of?

The sky is made of gasses: Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21%, Argon gas and water in the form of vapor droplets and ice crystal.

Is the sky filled with water?

Yes, the sky has water mostly in the form vapor.