Is there another world scientific facts given here. There is another world which we can only imagine. When a person gets freedom from life, where does he go! Such questions often trouble us. I have tried to shed light on answers to these questions in my first article. Let me tell you I have written this article from my experience, research and imagination.
Is there another world scientific facts
Is there another world, this question seems very interesting and curiosity-enhancing and everyone wants to know is there any other world besides the earth. In those days are left in a city that was full of greenery, where I met a man of my age who amazed me saying that the other world is in front of us look at carefully! Let us understand this from the beginning.
In those days I was trying my luck in real estate and the person whose plots I was trying to sale was almost as young as my age. It was winter and we were walking on the terrace to enjoy the sunbathe. We were total of 3 people including a 65 year old uncle. We were talking amongst ourselves and suddenly we started talking about the other world. Both of them were brahmins so I asked them what happens after life, what is after this world, where do we go.
Remember well I asked this with great curiosity, is there any other life after this life? When a person becomes free from the bondage of this life then where does he go? I thought 65 years old uncle would answer my questions but that 30 years old man surprised me while answering my questions and said that another world is going on in front of us, just look carefully.
Uncle added his point and said this person is a very knowledgeable pandit. I was surprised because 65 years old uncle himself was a pandit and he too was saying this about a 31 year old man. The same person told me that we cannot see the other world even when it is completely in front of us and everything is happening in it.
Just as our world is going on at this time, we are talking, in the same way the other world is going on in front of us and they are also doing their work. The person extended his point and told that some animals, birds and great men who have done some hard sadhana can see the other world.
I was shocked to get this answer because I was imagining that another world is outside the earth, some other earth or in another planet. I had never imagine that another world is going on right in front of us. That person told me one more thing that when we are sitting alone while we are resting then sometime suddenly something falls whether it is table pot, a book, a cloth or any object. All this is the result of the movement happening in the other world (in front of us).
Whenever I was being told all this, I was somewhat surprised and felt like some imagination. This experience seems quite true and it was happened with all of us at one time or another. A few years later I saw a Hollywood movie ‘Doctor Strange’. Doctor Strange is a story of a man who is searching for another world.
In this film it was shown that how two words are running together parallel to each other and what was told to me by wise pundit that something moves automatically around us. Exactly the same things were shown happening in this film. When Doctor Strange becomes a soul and fighting with the person of other world and this incident was felt by the nurse in the hospital when the objects there star falling here and there by their own.
However, it was a movie scene, but while sitting alone you might experience the same and at that time all this fantasy will not remain fantasy.
Now what is the science behind it, it is yet to be studied light on this. If you look carefully it seems to be a science of some waves, which human intelligence has not yet understood. The surprising thing is that the animals which we understand less than human intelligence those animals have more knowledge of these waves than humans. There intelligence is considered less than human intelligence but those animals have more knowledge about these waves than human.
We have often seen that animals come to know about earthquake is about to happen. The science behind it is that animals feel the waves long before the earthquake. There are many species of birds in this world which often with the change of the season, go out on a trip to other countries with their whole group. The question is, how do these birds remember the way?
The science behind this is that these birds senses some waves follows them and reaches the place of its choice. That’s why many social organizations and many people also agitate against the high towers and their high radio frequency because these mobile towers emits waves of such a deadly frequency that frequency directly effects the brain of the birds and the birds become unconscious.
The dangerous waves emanating from these towers cut off the waves that the birds feel as they are moving from one direction to another and the birds suddenly become unconscious in the air. Rajnikant, Akshy Kumar starrer bollywood film Robot 2 spreads light on this topic in the best possible way when the Akshay Kumar becomes panchirajan and fight his battle against these high-frequency mobile towers so that the birds can easily travel high in the sky.

You must have seen that sometime animal starts screaming suddenly, dogs starts crying while looking up, do they feel something or they see something. Is it completely true that the board is talking to itself while chirping amongst themselves or is it talking to people from other worlds?
A person who has lost his composure, if he is observed closely, he may be talking something in the air or looking for something by gesture. Is that person talking to someone from another world?
We have heard it till now that it is not possible for human to talk or feel the person from another world while living. Although, this power is seen in animal and if we think carefully then why does a person loose his mental balance? Perhaps the human mind is not that strong to see the another world properly and those who see what they see loses their mental balance, if thought in this way, it is possible.
The people we think of as crazy are actually some genius who have gone a step ahead and have seen something that we ordinary human cannot see.
As far as science is concerned, scientists are trying to explore the other world under the spaceship and according to them there is definitely another world somewhere. Where some people live they might not look like us, but they do exist. Some scientist says that the people from other world are many time more advance than us, so we have not able to find them yet.
The question arises if the people living in other world are many time advanced, then even though we could not able to find them then why they have not able to find us till now or they do not want to find us.
I had heard about time machine in my childhood days and today I am more than 30 years but time the time machine has not been made yet. Can men really travel from one time to another time through time machine? Is it possible! Many such questions bother us. But if there is science, then everything is possible, if you look carefully, you can see some science behind everything.
The search for the existence of the other world is still going on and I don’t know how much more time it will take to to find the existence of other people like us. If they exist then where they live? The biggest question is, what world person does go after getting freedom from life. According to our scriptures, we have been told that, according to his deeds a person went to heaven or hell, but who knows what is the reality.
Is the answer to all these questions with those innocent birds that fly high in the sky and sometime lost their directions. Is the answer to those question with the animal and birds that starts screaming and crying loudly while looking at the sky! Do those birds have answer to the question that suddenly starts chirping! Do those people who suddenly lose their mental balance have answer to these questions!
What and where is another world nobody knows? We can only imagine and scientist can continue their research based on facts only. These questions are very big and needs different way of mindset to get solved.
We hope that one day our scientist will eliminate the question mark of all these questions. Someday we will definitely get answers or scientific answers to these curious questions.
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