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This blog post reveals the moon distance from earth in kilometers, meters, light years, miles and feet.

The distance between earth and moon is 1.25 light seconds. The human can walk about 3 MPH thus 83,333 hours needed to walk to the moon. There are 8766 hours in a year. So after walking 24/7 continuously for 9.5 years you can reach the moon by walking.

Fast forward – Moon earth distance 384000000 meters, 384,400 km, 1.25 light seconds

Moon distance from earth in kilometers meters light years miles feet

Moon distance from earth in kilometers

The moon earth distance in kilometers is 384,400 km. 

Earth from moon distance in meters

The distance between earth and moon is 384000000 meters. 

Moon distance from earth in light years

The reflected sunlight from the Moon takes about 1.25 seconds to reach the earth thus the distance is about 1.25 light seconds. Terms of light years = 3.96 x 10­-8.

Earth and Moon distance in miles

The space between earth and moon in miles is 239,000.


The moon’s age is 4.53 billion years and density is 3.34 g/cm³. The moon’s gravity is 1.62 m², radius is 1,737.4 km and apparent magnitude (V):- 12.74. You can view the moon map.

Moon is the earth’s only natural satellite apart from it there are over 3000 active artificial satellites created by human beings. The moon orbits Earth at an average distance of 384,400 km about 30 times Earth’s diameter. 

It is the fifth largest natural satellite of the solar system. Its structure is roundish like a cricket ball. There is no shine on the moon, it does not shine by itself, instead it shines after sunlight falls into it. The moon always presents the same side to the earth. 

The gravitational pull has locked the moon’s rotation to the planet therefore it always presents the same side to the earth. Due to this the lunar day of 29.5 Earth days matches the lunar day.

Read thisWhy sun is hot facts and myths

Artificial satellites examples

Some artificial satellites are GOES (weather satellite), ANIK (communication satellite), GPS (navigation satellite), TERRIERS (scientific satellite) and MILSTAR (military satellite).

Planets location from the Sun

  • Mercury – Mercury is the first planet from the sun. 
  • Venus – Venus is the second planet from the sun. 
  • Earth – Earth is the third planet from the sun. 
  • Mars – Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. 
  • Moon – The Moon is the Earth’s singular natural satellite.
  • Vesta – Vesta is the dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter.
  • Ceres – Ceres is the dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter.
  • ISS – The International Space Station is situated in low Earth orbit.

Moons of planets

  • Lo – Moons of Jupiter and innermost of the four Galilean.
  • Europa – Europa is the smallest of the four Galilean Moons of Jupiter.
  • Ganymeda – It is the largest moon of Jupiter planet.
  • Callisto – Callisto is the second largest moon of Jupiter planet. 
  • Mimas – Mimas is the moon of Saturn.
  • Enceladus – It is the sixth largest moon of Saturn. 
  • Tethys – It is the moon of Saturn.
  • Rhea – It is the second largest moon of Saturn.
  • Lapetus – It is the third largest moon of Saturn.
  • Dione – Dione is the fourth largest moon of Saturn planet.
  • Titan – Titan is the largest moon of Saturn.
  • Pluto – Pluto is the dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt.
  • Charon – Charon is the largest moon of Pluto.


What is the Mercury distance from the sun and the moon?

Sun mercury distance – 58 million km.

What is the Mercury distance from the moon?

Moon mercury distance – 58,000,000 km.

What is Venus’ distance from the sun?

108.2 million km.

What is Venus’ distance from the moon?

50 millions to 162 million miles. The Moon Venus distance depends on the position of the Earth and Venus in their orbits around the sun.

What is the Earth distance from the moon?

Moon Earth distance is 384,400 km.

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