Space telescope NASA Hubble archive birthday | Scientist Daddy  

The Hubble Space Telescope designed by astronauts is the only telescope designed to be maintained in space. NASA Hubble archive, birthday website, working method, founders, founding date and Hubble telescope instrument list is shared today.

The Hubble space telescope (HST) was launched in 1990. Observation features help it to observe in ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Mikulski archive collects all the Hubble data at STScl, CADC and ESA/ESAC. Data in the archive is in the FITS format. In the Hubble birthday NASA website (NASA gov) you can put the birthday day and date and see the space images related to that date.

Space telescope NASA Hubble archive birthday 

NASA Hubble archive and birthday information is given below.

NASA Hubble archive

All Hubble data is gathered and made available through the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescope at STScl, CADC and ESA/ESAC. Data is proprietary and only available to the principal investigators (PI), the astrologers designed by the principal investigators. 

Data is available to the astrologers for 12 months after being taken. In some circumstances PI can apply to the director of STScl to extend or reduce the proprietorship. 

The archive data is very important, all data in the archive is in the FITS format. FITS format is suitable for astronomical analysis and not suitable for the public. Heritage project releases a small section of most impressive images to the public in JPG and TIFF formats.

NASA Hubble birthday

NASA Hubble website is actually a landing page on NASA Government website where you can put your birthday day and date and see the related images of space history. While entering and submitting the date it opens a dialogue box with a space and science related information which happened on your birthday date. For example if a person’s date of birth is 20 July 1969 then the website may give the details about Nasa Neil Armstrong who walked on the moon on that date and became 1st person to walk on moon.

Space telescope Hubble

The Hubble space telescope was launched into low earth orbit in 1990. Hubble is one of the largest, versatile and renowned tools used for vital research. It is useful and became a public relations boon for astrology. Hubble space telescope is named after astronomer Edwin Hubble, Edwin was NAS’s one of the great observatories. NASA has great scientist’s team by the way do you know NASA scientist salary. Do they get a satisfying salary to take risk their lives.

How does the Hubble space telescope work

The Hubble telescope has a 2.4 m (7 ft 10 in) mirror. It has great observation features that help it to observe in ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. 

It has five main equipment that observes in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions. Hubble images are high in resolution because it captures the images outside the distortion of earth’s atmosphere. 

It is an advanced telescope and captures extremely high resolution images with lower background light than ground based telescopes. HST has recorded some detailed visible light images with a deep view into the space. Many Hubble observations achieved success in astrophysics, like characterising the rate of expansion of the universe.


In NASA’s great observation program Hubble stands as the visible light telescope. Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, Spitzer Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory covers the other parts of the spectrum. 

Launch date of Hubble space telescope and founders

In 1970’s the Hubble Space Telescope was founded and built by NASA with the contribution of the European space agency. It was planned to launch in 1983 but finally launched in 1990. Due to technical delays, project budget problems, it was not launched in 1983, and the 1986 disaster made it more late. 

Hubble color images

Pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope are extremely high resolution. The reason is that all images are monochromatic grayscale. Images taken through different filters passing specific wavelengths of light. The Hubble telescope produces very clear high resolution colour images. HST does it by combining separate monochrome images which were taken through different filters. However, this process may result in creating false colour versions of images. During false images infrared rendered as a deep red and ultraviolet rendered as a deep blue.

List of Hubble telescope NASA instruments

  • Advance camera for service 
  • Cosmic origin spectrographs.
  • Corrective optics space telescope axial replacement.
  • Faint object camera.
  • Faint object spectrograph. 
  • Fine guidance sensor.
  • Goddard high resolution spectrograph.
  • High speed photometer.
  • Near infrared camera and multi object spectrometer.
  • Space telescope imaging spectrograph.
  • Wide field and planetary camera. 
  • Wide field and planetary camera 2. 
  • Wide field camera 3.

Conclusion – This blog tells about NASA Hubble archive and hubble birthday. Now you know in hubble birthday human’s birthday related date is matched with the historical space or science activity. NASA Hubble space telescope features and working method is also revealed here.

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