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Average salary of NASA scientists is around $20416.66. Starting salary of NASA scientist is disclosed here. Annual salary in NASA is 86986.44 USD. Scientists in private organizations are getting a high salary compared to the US govt agency NASA. 

Quick notes – Starting salary of NASA scientists $20416.66.

Starting salary of NASA scientist per month per year

Starting data scientist salary NASA

NASA chief scientists salary is much higher than data scientists. Data scientist salary in NASA is around $245k which is based on equity. They get a minimum $800 per month. Data scientists working for NASA also get handsome bonuses apart from salary. Average NASA scientist salary per month is between $245000/12 = $20416.66.

To achieve an average $245k per month salary one should be good at a master in data science. Stats and machine learning concepts are basic and should be clear to achieve a good salary. Apart from salary these people also get some bonuses starting from 25 to 150 grands or more depending on the performance.

Starting Astronaut salary in NASA

Astronaut salaries in NASA are lower than private organizations. They earn an average $60,000 to $70,000 and some also earn around $120,000. Whereas private organisations are giving high and handsome salaries to their scientists. Scientist salary in private organisations is somewhere between $120,000 to $150,000 to $250,000 or more.

NASA scientist salary per month

  • NASA data scientist salary per month is around $20416.
  • Data scientist salary per year in NASA is around $245k. 
  • Astronauts’ salaries in NASA are around $60,000 to $120,000.
  • Senior scientist salary in NASA are around $40416 to $48416.
NASA scientist departmentSalary per month
Data scientist$20416.
Astronauts’ salary$60,000 to $120,000.
Senior scientist$40416 to $48416
NASA salary of scientists is given in the table.

NASA chief scientist salary

NASA chief scientist Dr. Katherine Calvin salary is not disclosed yet but her average salary might be more than $250k annually. Dr. Calvin is NASA current chief scientist.

11 NASA chief scientists list

  1. Dr. Frank B. McDonald.
  2. Dr. Noel Hinners.
  3. Dr. France A. Cordova.
  4. Dr. Kathie L. Olsen.
  5. Dr. Shannon Lucid.
  6. Dr. John M. Grunsfeld.
  7. Dr. James B. Garvin.
  8. Dr. Valeed Abdalati.
  9. Dr. Allan Stofan.
  10. Dr. Jim Green.
  11. Dr. Kathreen Calvin.

Current NASA space crafts and space stations

Current NASA space crafts

  • Soyuz 1967.
  • Spaceship two 2018.
  • Crew dragon 2020.
  • New shepherd 2021.

NASA space stations

  • International Space Station (ISS). 
  • Tiangong Space Stations 2021.


NASA is a government agency belonging to the US government. The agency is responsible for science and technology related to air and space. 

Salary is not the real motivation to join NASA

Some people want to explore the entire universe; they want to know how the sun and stars  look from near. They want to know how sunlight distances are measured. These people often think of becoming scientists in NASA or other private organisations. 

In the beginning salary excites many youngsters but later when they are involved in exploring the earth salary doesn’t matter. Exploring the Earth, environment, planet, sun, star, moon and time excites and inspires them more than money.

Not only people from the USA dream to join NASA but also from the entire world dreams to join NASA and some of them are already working in NASA as a scientist. 


What is the starting salary in NASA?

Scientists in NASA earn a minimum $700 to $800 anyhow.

Who gets more salary NASA scientist or private organization salary?

Scientists working in private organisations get more salary than NASA.

What is a data scientist’s salary in NASA?


What is NASA?

It is an agency where scientists work and explores information about earth, sun, moon, star, planet, sea, environment, time and many more. This US govt agency explores everything about science.

NASA belongs to which country?

It is a United States government agency.