NASA scientist salary per month  

NASA scientist Katherine Calvin salary is huge. This blog post is all about NASA scientist salary including data scientists and astronauts. 

Quick Notes – Data scientist salary average $245k, astronaut salary, around $60,000 to $70,000.

NASA scientist salary per month  

NASA scientist salary might amaze you and they gets a handsome bonus which is not included in the salary.

Data scientist salary NASA

Data scientist salary is around $245k based on equity. Apart from salary they also get a very handsome bonus. This salary will definitely excite most people but some people might think NASA scientist earning is not that much, I would say $245k is not a small number.

Read thisNASA scientist Katherine Calvin salary age 

After getting their average annual income we can calculate how much scientists make per month. NASA scientist salary per month would be $245000/12 = $20416.66. So this is  an average idea of how much NASA scientists earn per month. 

A master in data science, good at stats and machine learning is basic NASA scientist requirements after that one can achieve an average $245k salary. Apart from this salary they also get bonuses which might be around 25 grand, 40 grand, 50 grand to 150 grand or more depending on the performance. 

Astronaut salary NASA

Astronauts working in NASA are earning around $60,000 to $70,000 and some of them are also earning around $120,000. Some people may be surprised and they might be thinking that astronauts are earning half a million dollars but this is not true. However, in the private sector the salary is double to triple and this is the big difference between the private and government sector.

Now if you are thinking whether NASA is a private or government organization I would clear you that NASA is a US government agency that is responsible for science and technology related to air and space. In the private sector scientist salaries might be around $120,000, $150,000 to $250,000 or more.

Desire to become scientist

Youngsters living in California, Amsterdam or any country often dream of becoming NASA scientists. It’s an individual’s personal choice to choose the career. Some people have inside motivation to fulfil the dreams of their parents and family, some want to do it for their nation, some want to become scientists for the sake of humanity, environment and planet. 

Read thisDr. Katherine Calvin age

Some people are curious to know what is happening outside in the universe and they want to explore it. It is true that things outside us and people cannot motivate you everytime the actual and forever motivation comes from inside. However, money is also needed to boost the motivation although it can’t match the inside motivation, still it has some space. 

While choosing the path for their career the NASA scientist salary excites many youngsters in the beginning. However, later when they heavily involve themselves in exploring the earth, environment, planet, sun, star, sea and the entire universe they become self motivated at that time money does not matter for them. 


What is NASA scientist salary per month?

Data scientist salary in NASA is around $245k annually and $20416.66 per month.

What is an astronaut salary in NASA?

NASA astronaut salary is somewhere around $60,000 to $120,000.

What is the salary of a data scientist in NASA?

Data scientist salary in NASA is around $20416.66 per month.

Is NASA a government or private science agency?

NASA is a government agency of the US government.

What is the senior scientist salary in NASA?

They are earning around $40416.66 per month to $48416 per month after having a good experience of years.

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Starting salary of NASA scientist

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